accumulate in every household. Some have sentimental or actual value, but most
are useless once they are read. Unless the book is a classic, most people only
read a book one time, if they make it that far.
options are available for trimming down your book collection. First, you have
to sort through them. Figure out which books are most important. Encyclopedias
that many of us relied on for homework assignments as kids, are completely
useless to most of today’s internet savvy children. No charity has any interest
in old and ridiculously outdated encyclopedias from when the flag only had 48
stars! Other reference books may fall into the same category, although some
nonprofits may take those.
a favorite book of poetry is understandable. Holding a book in your hands may
soon be a thing of the past, but you can hang on to some of your most treasured
tomes. It is fine to keep some books pertaining to a hobby or pastime, but you
can certainly weed out at least a few of them.
If you
are an avid reader, getting rid of countless novels may be where you will see
the biggest area of downsizing. Once read, either pass them along to a friend
or get rid of them!
places still love book donations. Probably the most popular in Baltimore is The Book Thing.This wonderful place takes books and then gives
them away to anyone who wants them free of charge. The Book Thing is only open
on weekends, but there is a 24-hour drop off container. This should go without
saying, do not go there and take home more books than you drop off! That is not
going to help you one bit.
books to other charities can work as well. Make sure to ask if they accept
books before you donate them. Some nonprofits do not take books and will have
to pay someone to haul them away.
some people consider throwing away books a sin, recycling or trashing them
might be the best thing. A history textbook from the Eisenhower administration
is not going to help any child do their homework. There have been so many
advances in science, most old texts are not worth anything. The most someone
might get out of them is a good laugh.
friend of mine unsuccessfully tried to donate some
old encyclopedias, but didn’t want the books to end up in the landfill. She
carefully used a mat knife and cut the pages out of the all of the books. She
recycled the pages and threw away the hard covers! The process helped her avoid
the bad feeling of throwing the books in the trash.
to popular belief, some old books are worth a lot of money. Usually, that is
untrue with few exceptions. First editions can be valuable, depending upon the
book. Extremely old books can have some value. If you have books that you think
are worth some money, you might want to sell them on Amazon, Ebay or
Craigslist. Whole collections, like the works of Shakespeare for example, might
be worth selling.
our mission is to help you reduce clutter and free your space. If you are
overwhelmed by your enormous book collection and need help, please email or give us
a call at 410-484-8328.
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