What to do about those ‘TO READ’ pilesFebruary 16th, 2012
Hope this finds you happy, healthy and enjoying life to its fullest.
Consider implementing these strategies:
1. Create subject folders for your “To Read” items, for example: Travel, Investing, Health Tips, Household Tips, Fashion, Books to Read, Movies to Rent.
2. Whenever you are heading to an appointment, grab a folder to read while you’re waiting (and then toss the article when you’re done….if you can’t toss, try scanning).
3. Create guidelines on how long to keep these articles….perhaps an expiration date of 30 or 60 days?
Give it a try — let me hear how it goes!
1 a day is the wayDecember 15th, 2011
Happy December!
I’ve noticed that my email box is filling up much faster than usual - OUCH! It really increases my time on the computer.
So here’s my little tip for the day:
Click UNSUBSCRIBE for at least 1 email a day — pick a company who emails you the most frequently (that automatically eliminates me!) — the one you have no interest in (hmmmm….how did they get your email in the first place?).
The ‘unsubscribe’ option is usually at the bottom of the email. Go ahead - do it - just unsubscribe to 1 today. Make it a habit — one a day and you will notice a dramatic difference at the end of 30 days.
That’s it from me!
ENJOY this time of year, stay out of the stores as much as possible….and as my wise husband always tells me, LESS IS MORE!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
7:00 pm - 7:45 pm
On your telephone!
(If you cannot attend the live call, all registrants will receive a link to listen to the call at your convenience.)
For more details and to register, please copy and paste the link below in your browser:
Hope to ’see’ you there!!
“But I Might Need This!”May 16th, 2011
I am excited to announce my next Teleclass on Thursday, May 19th.
“But I Might Need This” - Downsizing Dilemmas
Thursday, May 19, 2011
7:15 pm - 8:00 pm EST
(If you can’t make the live call, simply pre-register and a link to the
entire call will be sent to you, following the live call).
Do you have a tough time deciding what to get rid of?
Do you know what to get rid of but don’t know where to take it?
Do you feel guilty throwing things out that others have given to you?
Do you know you ’should’ get rid of stuff, but just can’t find the time or motivation?
Do you feel completely overwhelmed by your possessions?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, then this is the class for you. Brought to you in the comfort of your own home, this 45 minute teleclass will teach you how to boldly downsize your possessions. Participants are encouraged to bring questions to the call and they will be answered.
And if you aren’t available on Thursday at 7:15 EST, no worries - the class will be recorded and as long as you pre-register prior to the start of the class, a link will be sent to you so you can hear every golden nugget of information that is shared.
Simply paste the link below in your browser to register.
If you have any questions, please contact me at cindy@aim4order.com and I will answer you promptly.
Feel free to share this invitation with friends, family and co-workers - all are welcome.
I look forward to ’seeing’ you on the call.
Paper Panic Prevention!April 13th, 2011
Click on the link below (or copy and paste in your browser) and learn about my April 21st Teleclass on Paper Panic Prevention! All are welcome - if you can’t be on the ‘live’ call, it will be recorded and sent to all who pre-register for the class.
Fun at the dump!April 3rd, 2011
Just had to report back on our trip to the dump today. You may recall that it was the 2011 Hazardous Waste Collection Event in Hunt Valley. It was GREAT! We filled the car with lots of old paint, lighter fluid, pesticides from who knows when and 2 empty helium tanks from birthday parties past. (My husband said that one of the boxes that we brought had been sitting in our basement for 15 years!).
The good news — we were in and out in minutes - there were friendly people at the dump to help unload the hazardous items. I was told that the helium tanks were not supposed to be dropped off today because they can be brought to the dump during the week and placed in scrap metal (but they need to be punctured first). The nice man said that he would take it for me this time…but in the future, just bring it during the week.
The bad news - NONE! My favorite part was counting the number of times my husband said HOW HAPPY he was that we went to the dump today. Now if I can get him to start letting go of his many, many stashes in the basement…..watch out world!
Hazardous waste drop off on April 3rd!March 29th, 2011
One of my favorites days of the year!!
Spring 2011 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event
on Sunday, April 3, 2011
9 a.m. until 2 p.m.
at Baltimore County Resource Recovery Facility
Warren Road
Cockeysville, MD 21030
Baltimore County Residents may drop off unwanted household chemicals, paints, pesticides, medicines, mercury thermometers, fluorescent bulbs, rechargeable batteries, computers and home electronics, ammunition and automotive fluids for recycling or proper disposal. No trash will be accepted at this event.
Ready, set, PAUSE?February 11th, 2011
You wouldn’t know it by the frequency of my emails or posts, but I regularly think about what kinds of things my readership would be interested in hearing from me. I have started to re-think the wisdom in sending out my “Tips and Tricks” because time after time I see them printed out and laying in piles on my client’s desks or table tops. The last thing I want to do is create MORE clutter in your homes and offices!
So - my new method of communicating with you is to discuss just one concept that doesn’t require printing an email (promise me you won’t print this out!). Just one concept that you can let ‘percolate’ in your brain and consider applying into your daily lives, if you so choose. Sound good?
Today’s concept to consider is one that I’ve been practicing for a few weeks now and am feeling really good about the results so far.
When you think you NEED something or you are tempted to BUY something, just wait - don’t react to the stimuli - just wait. Some people even have a notebook that they write out the items they’d like to buy and then wait a week or a month or whatever length of time (even a day) - and if they STILL want the item, then they can get it. But 9 times out of ten, they realize that they can live without the item.
So - take my waterproof shoes that I wear every day to walk the dog in the morning. I notice that the heel is starting to wear out. So the first thing I do is go on line and see all kinds of waterproof shoes - some that are REALLY nice (much better than the cheap pair I have) - some that are REALLY expensive…and the rationalizing begins (oh, I don’t often splurge, I should treat myself to those, after all, I walk the dog ALL THE TIME and it’s important that I have great footwear, blah, blah, blah). Well - the number of choices were so great that I felt overwhelmed for the moment and decided to postpone the hunt. I later looked at my current shoes and saw that it was just a cosmetic thing - there’s no leakage yet, the top of the shoe is perfect….and now it’s been several weeks and I’ve decided to not make any purchases right now. In these times of tightening the belt, it feels good to not spend when I don’t HAVE to spend. The other thing I am SO PROUD about is my chicken. I buy very good chicken at the supermarket - every week - 4 packages. I thought I HAD to buy this particular chicken because it was the best for me. Well - I noticed at Sam’s Club last week that they sold a week’s worth package of chicken for $6.63. I’ve been spending $25-30 a week on MY chicken. I didn’t know if the Sam’s Club chicken would be as good but thought I’d give it a try. Well guess what - it’s even BETTER than the other kind - imagine that! And I feel really proud that we’ll save $1000+ over the course of a year in chicken. So maybe I can afford those waterproof shoes after all.
Happy trails and just say “NOT YET” when the urge to buy hits you (unless you’re considering a needed service like getting organized).
Here’s to us, as we all ‘aim 4 order’ one day at a time.
GIVE YOUR STUFF AWAY DAY!September 25th, 2010
Yes, it’s true - a real, live national holiday started by one man….he is asking people from all over the country to gather the things they no longer need and place them curbside so that other people can benefit.
If I may be so bold as to suggest — how about just gathering the items and then driving them to Goodwill or Salvation Army or phoning one of the many local charities who may be interested in your ’stuff.’ (Until word spreads about this holiday, I’m concerned that people may be fined or tattled on due to misunderstandings of what they appear to be doing).
Use “GIVE YOUR STUFF AWAY DAY” as the perfect time to do what you’ve probably been wanting to do for quite some time.
And if you are interested in spreading the word about this day to others…. check out www.giveyourstuffaway.com.
PS - If you are reading this AFTER September 25th, then you are encouraged to celebrate this new holiday whenever (and as often as) you wish!
And How About Some More Random Tips and Tricks:
• A brightly colored wallet is easier to find - go wild and switch to a REALLY bright wallet and enjoy spotting it more quickly.
• Hang your jewelry on a bulletin board to prevent tangles.
• Go to www.gethuman.com to learn how you can get to a live voice faster at more than 1,000 businesses.
• SEVEN is the maximum number of tasks that should be on a daily to-do list to avoid mental overflow, according to author Jacqueline Leo, author of Seven: The Number for Happiness, Love and Success.
Oops - I’m baaaaack!May 12th, 2010
Now that 2 different people have commented that I haven’t blogged lately……I am SHOCKED that it’s been so long since I’ve posted. Please forgive me for my terrible lapse in blogging. How did this happen? Hmmmmmm……
How timely for me that in this month’s AARP newsletter, there is a wonderful list from Gail Blanke, the author of “Throw Out 50 Things: Clear the Clutter, Find Your Life” that I’m happy to share with you. Gail encourages us to ‘throw out 50 things from your home — and from your mind.’
Here goes:
1. Magazines more than 3 months old. They’re fire hazards.
2. Old receipts clogging the kitchen drawer. You know that drawer.
3. Keys that seem to have no locks. Haven’t had for years. Maybe decades.
4. The belief that you’re alone.
5. Twisty ties, random paper clips and safety pins.
6. Loose change (recycle!).
7. Trying to please everyone.
8. Containers of partially used grooming products untouched for 6 months.
9. Makeup in shades you no longer wear or can’t be found in nature.
10. List your insecurities - and toss 75% of them.
11. Put yourself down.
12. The need for everyone to like you.
13. Old athletic shoes with worn treads (recycle!).
14. Medicines for conditions you no longer have (Your pharmacy can dispose of them).
15. Jumping to negative conclusions before you know the real deal.
16. Mismatched silverware or dishes.
17. Banged-up pots.
18. Stale spices and ingredients.
19. Thinking you’re always right.
20. Training wheels. (Your son is 38, right?)
21. T-shirts from the company outing that you grudgingly attended 2 weeks before you were canned.
22. The times you messed up.
23. The need to know how it all turns out.
24. Plastic garden pots.
25. Dried-up tubes of glue. Dried-up anything, really.
26. A single sock, glove or earring. Its mate is not coming back.
27. Thinking you have to have all the answers.
28. People who remember the bad times, not the good ones.
29. Sheets, towels or pillows that are torn, chewed or just bum you out.
30. Old college furniture.
31. Wire clothes hangers.
32. Clothes that no longer fit.
33. Clothes from a departed loved one. Someone else needs them now.
34. Thinking that if you let go of the memorabilia, you’ll lose the memories.
35. Souvenirs from bad vacations.
36. Old parking tickets.
37. Bank statements, unless you need them for tax purposes. Shred.
38. Bills more than one year old. Keep shredding.
39. Fear that you’re not rich enough, smart enough, good enough.
40. Energy-sucking comparisons with other people.
41. Playing the same music over and over.
42. Feeling that your life is a movie you’re watching instead of starring in.
43. The belief that your best days are behind you.
44. Books that you’ll ‘get to someday.’
45. Waiting for the right moment.
46. Eating the same food.
47. Fear of looking foolish.
48. The adage “no one is indispensable.” Everyone counts.
49. Negative typecasting.
50. Anything you don’t want to pass on to your children — from worn out rugs to worn out grudges.
June 09 Tips and TricksJune 28th, 2009
I have a file on my desk called “Random Organizing Tips and Helpful Websites” and this is my way of cleaning out the file AND sharing the items that might appeal to you.
Did you know that hiring a professional organizer has another benefit (besides helping you to get your home, office and/or life in order and feel tons better about yourself and life in general)? Occasionally we find a few dollars here and there or missing jewelry, etc when sorting through items with clients. I thought it would fun to tell you a few of the BIG FINDS of 2009 (so far!).
3 Birth Certificates
2 Car Titles
3 Passports
$400 in birthday gift cards
Plane tickets
$1,100 in savings bonds in a shoe box in the basement, now worth over $4,000
$60,000 in savings bonds discovered in a 12 year old file folder.
So - if you’re putting off scheduling a session with me - think twice - can you afford to wait any longer?!
And here we go with this month’s Tips and Tricks:
Speaking of savings bonds….
In the most recent AARP bulletin (yes, thank you, I’m a member now!)…..if you think you may have some long lost savings bonds, go to www.treasurydirect.gov and under “Individuals:What You Can Do” column, use the Treasury Hunt tool to plug in the bondholder’s Social Security number. Only bonds issued from 1974 to present will show up but for earlier bonds, you can write to Bureau of the Public Debt, PO Box 7012, Parkersburg, WV 26106-7012. Include as many details as possible, including names, addresses and approximate issue dates. If bond records are found, the bureau will let you know how to redeem them.
Some great e-cycling resources for you:
www.earth911.org - provides drop off sites and good advice about e-waste.
www.myboneyard.com - secure way to recycle, free shipping and ensures personal data are cleared.
US POSTAL SERVICE - new free mail back program for small electronics- envelopes provided in local post office branches.
Baltimore County Residents:
If you’ve misplaced your recycle schedule for your neighborhood, just go to www.baltimorecountymd.gov/go/collectionconnection for your schedule.
Get rid of hazardous waste from April to November (i.e. paints, motor oil, antifreeze, pesticides, fertilizers, mercury thermometers, ammunition) at the Eastern Sanitary Landfill, 6259 Days Cove Road in White Marsh. Call 410-887-3745 for more information.
Fix Windshield chips before they turn into a full crack - A repair can be done in your driveway for less than $100 (search “mobile glass-repair service” and your zip code online to find a company).
Great website for moms and dads - www.handmedowns.com - a one stop destination for buying, selling or donating gently used items.
Save money on airfare - www.yapta.com - helps you get a refund if you buy a ticket and the price later drops.
Online piggy bank - set up a free account at www.SmartyPig.com
Keep plugging and know that I’m an email or phone call away. I’d love to hear how you’re doing in your quest to Aim 4 Order!
Decluttering Questions to help you…..November 2nd, 2008
Dear Friends,
Happy Fall to all!
I’d like to share with you a recent issue of Aim 4 Order’s “Tips and Tricks” - the Fall Issue is a bit longer than usual - but the list below is worth reviewing - and sharing - as it’s chock full of questions that can help you in your quest to declutter. This list was generated by a list serv that I am a member of through the National Association of Professional Organizers - so there is representation from many, many talented professionals. Let me know which question ’spoke’ to you!
NOTE: Forgive me if this issue does not apply to you - most of the people I meet struggle with letting go of things - but if you do not, then perhaps you’ll share your secrets with us??
Questions to Ask When Decluttering
Is it useful and beautiful to me?
Is it a duplicate?
Is this the best place for it?
If I keep it, will I remember I have it?
If I remember I have it, will I be able to find it?
How am I going to display it? store it? use it?
Do I have room for it?
Do I need it or just want it or neither?
How long do I need to keep it?
When can I get rid of it?
Is it too worn/broken/unidentifiable?
Is the information still current?
Will I actually use it/refer to it?
When’s the last time I used it?
When do I think I will use it again (or for the first time) and what circumstances will have to be in place in order for me to use it?
Is this adding value to my life right now?
Can it easily be duplicated or created if needed again?
Can I borrow or purchase another one if needed?
What’s the worst that can happen if I toss it/donate it?
Will I really read it?
Am I really going to finish this quilt (or other project)? When?
For clothes:
Do I feel great in it?
Does it match anything?
Does it fit well?
Is this of high value or importance, or is it getting in the way of my ability to find what I need, when I need it?
Emotional Questions
Does it make me happy?
Does it make me unhappy to see it?
Does it make others unhappy to see it?
Do I love it?
Am I honoring and enjoying it?
Does it lift my spirits to look at it?
Where did it come from/who gave it to me?
Am I keeping it because someone gave it to me and I’ll feel guilty if I get rid of it?
If we took a picture of it, would that make it easier for you to let it go?
If you knew or visualized that someone else would really benefit from having this (for ex, if we found a great place to donate it?), would that make it easier for you to let it go?
Convince another person that you need to keep it.
When dealing with memorabilia:
Do I have anything else that reminds me of this (event, person, time)?
Am I putting things before people and relationships?
Financial/Legal Questions
Does it belong to me?
Am I legally required to keep it?
Is there a tax, or legal reason to keep it?
Will this help me make money?
Will this save me money?
Would I buy it again?
Does it take more time and effort to manage than it is worth?
If I was moving, would I want to pay to have it packed and moved?
What does it cost for me to keep, store and maintain it?
If I donate it, can I get a deduction?
If I sell it, what could I do with the money?
(These questions were compiled from members of the National Association of Professional Organizers’ list serve, 2008).
So - are you ready to get started? Pick a drawer, a tabletop, any space in the house….Just 15 minutes today? Go for it!
Holler if you need some extra support from Aim 4 Order. I would enjoy hearing from you.
Quick JULY tips & tricksJuly 13th, 2008
Happy July to all! In honor of summer and vacations, I thought I’d pop in with some QUICK tips and tricks.
Pick one, any one, do it and then spend the rest of the month patting yourself on the back!
QUICK Tips & Tricks
Dig out the carryout menus that may be crammed in a drawer or piled on a shelf. Recycle the duplicates, places you no longer call and put all the remaining menus in a giant envelope, see-through envelope or folder and label it “MENUS.”
Go through your coupons and recycle the expired ones - or better yet - save time, toss them all and start from scratch.
Go to your nearest vitamin/medicine cabinet and toss all out of date/expired bottles. Can you feel the space just opening up?!
Go to your spices cabinet and get rid of the old ones, the ones you don’t use or the ones with barely anything left. According to McCormick, the shelf life of properly stored spices and herbs is approximately 3-4 years for whole spices and seeds, 2-3 years for ground spices, 1-3 years for leafy herbs, and 1-2 years for seasoning blends. For more information, go to www.mccormick.com.
Pick one junk drawer in the house and see what you can toss or take to its rightful “home.” Every room needs a junk drawer but they work better if there’s room to put your junk in!
In closing…..
For those of us who lean toward perfectionism - please see if you can “act as if” your attempts at decluttering and organizing don’t have to be done perfectly. Doing an average job is really ok. Like anything else in life, the more we do it, the better we get. Practice does make perfect but perfection does not need to be reached today.
Tell me how you’re doing - I’d love to hear from you!
Recycle electronic items free & easily!June 4th, 2008
Great news for all of us with old computers, televisions, cell phones and other outdated electronic gadgets!
Best Buy has just announced that Maryland is 1 of 8 states where it is testing a pilot program that allows customers to get rid of television sets, personal computers, printers, scanners, fax machines, computer mice, keyboards and cell phones for free. Customers can bring 2 items per day to a Best Buy store for recycling. They will NOT accept TVs larger than 32 inches, air conditioners, microwaves and appliances (but the Baltimore County Dump in Hunt Valley does!).
Participating Best Buys in the Baltimore-Metro area are Baltimore - Pratt Street, Towson, White Marsh, Annapolis, Columbia, Laurel, Security Blvd, Glen Burnie, Bel Air, Arundel Mills, Golden Ring and Owings Mills.
So - hurry and get started! Think of ALL the room and all the organizing you can do when the old stuff is gone!
For more information, call your nearest Best Buy today.
Getting rid of unwanted (specific) cataloguesNovember 4th, 2007
I just read about a wonderful FREE online service called Catalog Choice. This service was started by 3 environmental groups to help fight global warming by reducing the volume and waste of unwanted catalogs. Catalog Choice allows you to make a list of the catalogs you DON’T want to receive. The service then contacts the retailers with a request to take your name off the mailing lists you’ve chosen.
I’ve always hesitated to sign up for websites who knock you off ALL catalog lists because there are certain ones I DO like. This service sounds perfect to me.
If you’re interested, just go to www.catalogchoice.org and check it out. Their motto is “Simply your life and save natural resources.” What could be better?!
Donate your stuff!October 19th, 2007
My original intent of this blog was to frequently (meaning more than once every 3-4 months!), pass along cool, helpful tidbits of information. Real life (work, family, etc.) has gotten in the way of the “frequently” goal, but nevertheless, here are a few tidbits.
It’s much easier to let go of “stuff” if you know it’s going to be used and enjoyed by those in need - don’t you think?!
SHOES - Soles4Souls distributes gently worn footwear to the needy, including victims of natural disasters worldwide. Go to www.soles4souls.org for more information on how to donate shoes or organize your own shoe drive.
Old stuffed animals, towels, blankets - go to your local animal shelter, SPCA, Humane Society. While hospitals no longer accept stuffed animals, our 4 legged friends LOVE a good ratty, smelly stuffed animal to chomp on (actually, my dog enjoyed our sofa, too but I don’t think the shelters have room for large pieces of furniture).
Old eye glasses - Donate used eyeglasses at a LensCrafters, Sunglass Hut or Pearle Vision store. The Gift of Sight Foundation provides free eye care and eyewear worldwide to those who can’t afford them. They will classify glasses by prescription and match them up to the right candidate.
Stay tuned for more tidbits on how to get rid of the stuff you don’t need.
Aim 4 cards - great way to keep in touch!June 30th, 2007
Has this ever happened to you?? You buy the perfect card way ahead of time and by the time the occasion rolls around…you either can’t find the card or you completely forget to send it out? Well…….those days can be over!
I have been introduced to a wonderful system for keeping in touch with people painlessly and affordably. It’s called Sendoutcards and I would love to offer you a free gift account to try the cards out for yourself. You can choose from over 8,000 greeting cards, fill out a personalized message online and then……the best part….someone else puts the card in an envelope, puts a real stamp on it and MAILS it for you! You can even select the date that you want it mailed and/or do a year’s worth of cards at one sitting. It’s not only wonderful for birthdays and other special occasions, it’s a great tool for appreciating people in your business life as well as in your personal life. SO - if you’re interested, send an e-mail to cindy@aim4order.com and I will set you up with your very own free gift account so you can sample this product with absolutely no risk or cost to you.
A little organizing humor….March 14th, 2007
Happy Spring to all! Today is a gorgeous, sunny day in Baltimore and I can hardly believe that winter’s over….or is it?
In today’s comics (The Sun), there was a very cute Cathy and it went like this:
Cathy and her mom are looking in Cathy’s closet….
Cathy’s mom: Why do you still have this old thing, Cathy?
Cathy: You gave it to me, Mom.
Cathy’s mom: That was years ago! Get rid of it!
Cathy: I can’t! It was from YOU!! I can’t get rid of something my MOTHER gave me!!
Cathy’s mom says to herself: Why is it so hard for them to throw out our gifts…and so easy for them to dump our advice?
Hit home with anyone?!
If you’d like to attend my free teleclass on Monday, March 19th at 9 pm, EST, please e-mail cindy@aim4order.com and I will give you the call in info. We’ll be talking and sharing ideas for “creative storage” of items in the home. Happy decluttering!!
Free Tele-class on Wednesday, January 17th!January 12th, 2007
I am pleased to invite you to join me in our first tele-class of the year and our topic will be “Paper Management in the Home.” The call will start at 9:00 pm EST and last approximately 30 minutes. I will speak on “Paper Management” for the first half and invite questions and tip-sharing for the second half. The call is free - your only cost is the long distance call - and many folks can use free cell minutes. If you’d like to join in, please RSVP to Cindy@aim4order.com and I will send you the phone number and access code. Looking forward to a great call!
Welcome NMSS friends!December 22nd, 2006
Something very exciting has happened this month! The national publication, Inside MS, has included me as an organizing expert in their feature story, Simply Your Life. The most exciting part is that I am hearing daily from folks around the country; folks who are affected by multiple sclerosis, and they are flocking to my website to find out more about getting organized in the new year. For those of you who don’t know my story, after 23 years, I “retired” from the National MS Society to pursue my dream of owning my own business. My first passion though, is and was, finding a cure for MS. I’m so happy that I can still contribute to people with MS in a different way. Come one, come all - hope to “see” you on my upcoming free tele-class in January (just e-mail cindy@aim4order.com if you’d like to be contacted when the date/time/topic is announced each month. Have a happy weekend and thanks for checking out my blog.
2007 Goal Setter (let’s all groan together)December 18th, 2006
The following 2007 Goal Setter was developed by Sandra Felton, Founder of Messies Anonymous (www.messies.com). I thought some of you might like to consider completing one or more of the objectives in 2007. Please feel free to share your thoughts with me and e-mail to cindy@aim4order.com. (to be honest, I’m not sure I’m up for the challenge….but hopefully some of you are:)
Begin now to visualize how you want your home to change during the next year by writing down your dreams! Writing down specifics is a powerful tool for change.
(Target these five simple but powerful objectives and go for it!)
1. This time next year, I want see my house (describe your dream in enough
detail to excite your desire - even a few words are helpful.)
2. An area of my house I want to beautify this year is ___________________________
________________________________by (what action)_________________________
3. I want to upgrade my house by discarding ______________________________
and obtaining _______________________________________________.(Think about
kitchen and bathroom items that are getting bedraggled or other worn items that
come to mind.)
4. A household product or equipment I want to obtain is ____________________
5. One habit I want to strengthen this year is ___________________________
Fill this out before January 1, 2007. Writing and posting your goals will
greatly strengthen you to achieve your heart’s desire.
Grandma Sally’s AfghanNovember 25th, 2006
I was at a lovely client’s home yesterday and we had a breakthrough. On the top shelf of her closet was a very large and very dusty afghan that her mother had lovingly made for her many years ago. Her mother, in fact, had made many, many lovely things over the years, including lots of other afghans, most of which were still in the house. I asked the magic questions (1) Do you love it? no response…which usually means NO. (2) Do you use it? well, you see the dust….which usually means NO. (3) Is it beautiful? no response. SOOOOOOOOOO, 3 “No’s” is supposed to translate into “BYE-BYE.” This was not going to be easy. We started by discussing what other things her mom had made that she did love and use and find beautiful and thankfully, she had lots of tablecloths that fit that description. Then we moved on to discuss the fact that this client is passionate about crafts and sewing and needs every spare nook and cranny we can find to store all of her goodies in an organized fashion. This king-sized afghan was taking up half of a perfectly good shelf. It’s always our choice - do we hang on to the memorabilia that we neither (1) love (2) use (3) or find beautiful…or do we make room for the new possibilities that await us?
Thankfully, we had a breakthrough and the afghan is now going to a women’s shelter to bring comfort to someone who will (1) love it (2) use it (3) and find it beautful. A great day indeed!!
Do you have “A Grandma Sally Afghan” in your bedroom closet??
Happy Thanksgiving!November 23rd, 2006
I’m thankful that I finally got my desk cleaned off…of course knowing that family was stopping by was a pretty good incentive for me. I’ve had this pile of papers sitting on my desk for…well….awhile…and they were all the little annoying papers that require action or movement….but not just yet. Finally, I was able to toss a few and put the rest neatly in my stackable desk file under “File” or “Action” or “To Read.” And wha-laaa(!), no more piles. It’s just amazing - and very satisfying to practice what I preach. Enjoy the rest of your day and remember, just 15 minutes a day can prevent clutter build-up.
Protecting yourself against ID theftNovember 6th, 2006
Many folks are concerned these days about identity theft. I thought I’d share these tips with you on a few precautions you can take to minimize your risk of identity theft. This was taken from a recent article in the Baltimore Business Journal by S. Vincent Crescenzi.
1. Receipts - shred charge receipts, bank statements, credit card offers and other sensitive documents before throwing them away.
2. Mail - remove mail from your mailbox promptly. During vacations, place mail delivery on hold or ask someone to pick it up.
3. New checks - pick them up at the bank; don’t have them mailed to your home.
4. Information stored on computers - use antivirus software, passwords, firewall programs and other protections.
5. Social Security number - guard it carefully and don’t give it out unless it’s absolutely necessary. Do not provide personal information on the phone, by mail or online unless you initiated the contact.
6. It is estimated that 11.4 percent of identity thefts are committed by friends and relatives (!). Safeguard your important information.
Calling all knittersNovember 2nd, 2006
I recently read about several organizations who are looking for donations from knitters. If you’ve got the urge to knit and want to make a difference to those in need, consider contacting one of these organizations:
For soldiers: www.theshipsproject.com/Home.htm
For the homeless: www.warmupamerica.org
For premature babies: www.carewear.org
For troubled teens: www.binkypatrol.org
Happy stitching!
The Life and Times of a Professional OrganizerOctober 9th, 2006
Hi, my friends!
Here I go - entering the BLOG world and hoping that my ramblings will be of help to someone out there. My hope is to communicate regularly with you in an effort to bring you the latest resources, tips and interesting tidbits that enter into my daily world.
In fact, this blog will replace my monthly “Tips and Tricks” because it will give me the flexibility and ease to offer tips and tricks whenever I “Feel” like it, verses every few weeks. So - keep your eyes and ears open. I welcome your contributions of tips and tricks - just pop me an e-mail at cindy@aim4order.com and I will give you full credit for your idea(s).
I recently read that one lady was getting tired of opening up her dead electronic items in the house (toys, tv remotes, flashlights, etc.) and decided to take a permanent marker and write on the back of each item the type and quantity of batteries needed. That way, she can have an inventory in the house or at least save herself the time of unscrewing items all the time. I thought that was pretty clever although I haven’t done it myself yet:).