Monday, July 30, 2012

Easy Does It, Wins the Race

Did you ever notice that people seem to have so much to do these days? You ask someone how they are and they tell you “busy.” We all strive to get things done in life. It can be frustrating to spend more time spinning our wheels and less time actually doing things. You know you really want to get yourself and your life organized, but aren’t sure how to start.  

There are various tasks you want to do. It might be cleaning out the basement. Maybe it is organizing the kids’ closets. And the kitchen — it needs organizing too. Whatever it is, divide the task into smaller parts so the job doesn’t seem so intimidating. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Try setting small achievable goals that you can do in a short period of time. Spending 15 minutes and completing one task can result in a great feeling of accomplishment. Many times people set unrealistic goals and expectations which cause overwhelm and frustration before we even begin! 

The first objective is to figure out what your ultimate goal is. Once you know that, you are well on your way. Divide it into parts. You can simply make a list. A lot of people have great success just from putting ideas down on paper. Really break the task down into its smallest parts. The more parts you have, the easier each little job will be. If and when you get stuck, try to think about the next action you need to take to get closer to your goal. You will be clicking off your accomplishments almost effortlessly.

If you have no idea how to get started, you are certainly not alone. There is a lot of help out there for people trying to set goals and achieve them. Of course, Aim 4 Order can always show you the way. One of our goals is to help you achieve yours. There are also some websites, and even some smart phone apps, that can help.

Goals on Track is a phone app that can help you stay on course with your goals anywhere. The nice thing about this app is that it charts your progress as you go. Seeing results gives you encouragement to keep going to the next challenge. CAUTION -- if you are not able to quickly understand how to use the app, move on. The last thing you want to do is waste hours of time on the internet. OK?

Joe’s Goals is a program you can get for free. According to Joe, this system worked for him. You can list tasks and days of the week to do each task. This program includes “negative goals” or vices that detract from accomplishing objectives on your list. It’s kind of a fun way to get things done, and also see what stumbling blocks throw you off your game.

Google Docs is becoming a very popular way to store lots of documents. You can be anywhere with internet access, and get to your documents. By using spreadsheets in Google Docs, you can keep track of your goals and set them up however you want them. You can make a column of goals and set up a row for each day of the week. Next to each goal, place a check mark as they are completed in the column for that day. However, try not to let the software become something that keeps you from getting things accomplished. That defeats the purpose of it.

These programs might be a good way to make sense of things. On the other hand, your way might be more basic. You might make a list on a piece of paper and put a line through each one as you do it. The main idea is to get things done. Set your goals, divide them into smaller chunks and then go after them one by one.

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