Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Four Steps to an organized CD/DVD collection

1.The first step is always the most difficult. As is often the case, gathering up CDs and DVDs from the car, under the bed and lying around the house, is how you get started. Keeping them in a central location is a key in getting your collection under control.

2. Next, you need to make sure the correct CDs are in the case. If you are missing a case or two, you can buy plain cases. Mark the case clearly, maybe type the title on the computer and print it out so it can be easily read. Then tape it, or use labels to attach it to the jewel case.

3. After the cases are checked and everything matches, the tough decisions must be made. Do you really need all of those CDs? Once you have seen a movie 27 times, is it necessary to keep the DVD? You can donate, sell or give away what you don’t need any more.

4. Once that is done, you are ready to organize. There are three major ways this can be done – with albums, racks or digitally. If a lot of the jewel cases are missing or broken, using albums might be your best bet. There are loose leaf binders with pages of plastic pockets in them. The best ones are sturdy and zip shut to protect the contents inside. This method does not take up a lot of space and can be stored in a bookshelf. If shelf space is limited and you have access to hanging file drawers, hanging CD/DVD sleeves work well in file cabinets.

To keep the collection user friendly, you might opt for using racks to organize your collection. If you pick this ergonomic method, the collection can alphabetized by artist for CDs and by title for DVDs. Some people would rather sort them by genre. You can put jazz CDs, rock CDs and movie soundtrack CDs in groups. With DVDs, sort them by comedy, horror, drama, etc. If you have a huge collection you may need more than one rack. If that is the case, you can use one rack for each genre. Hopefully, you have pared down the collection so it will fit in one rack.

The last way to organize the collection is to do it digitally. Copy everything onto your computer and make sure you back it up regularly so you don’t lose anything. If you have a very large collection, this will take a lot of time and might be more than the space on your computer. You could look into getting cloud storage to backup your files. If you have a small collection, it will be easier. Many people buy downloads and do not even have actual physical CDs or DVDs any more.

Now your collection should be just the way you like it. Be sure to put everything back in its case or binder after you use it or you will have a disorganized mess again soon.

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