Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Springtime downsizing

Spring is upon us. And with spring comes new life. In order to transfer that feeling to your home, consider purging some unnecessary objects. Once the downsizing has been accomplished, you will discover the renewal associated with spring.

Clearing out closets and removing clutter is a wonderful way to feel better about yourself. You will be surprised at how free you will feel when you have more available space and less chaos. 

To get started, set up bins for sorting – keep, throw away and donate/sell.

Ask yourself the following questions:
Do you use the item? 
Has it been used within the last year? 
If not, is it just wasting space in your home?
Do you have two objects that do the same thing? 
If one works better than the other, can you get rid of the lesser item?
Is it a decorative item? 
Is it enhancing your home or adding to your weekly dusting? 
Might it look better hanging on someone else’s wall, or on another person’s shelf?

As the seasons change, people often change their wardrobe. Now is the perfect time to go through the closets and purge. Most of us change sizes throughout our adult lives. How many items in the closet actually fit? Ideally, the only items in your bedroom closet should be the ones you wear now. Things that no longer fit or rarely worn items can go in less desirable locations, if you are not willing to part with them.

It is not necessary to do everything in one day. Trying to do too much makes the task feel overwhelming. Try to clean out one closet at a time. When you break the tasks into smaller chunks, it becomes a lot more manageable and less daunting.

If you are a parent, I am guessing that you would rather not have to nag your children to clean up their rooms.  By reducing the volume in their rooms, it could make for a much happier home. Less clutter could equal less nagging!

When cleaning bigger areas, start small, like the entryway of your home. What belongs? What should go? Is anything broken?

Keep your standards high. Does this deserve to be in your home? Is it worthy? Consider each unnecessary object. Does the piece deserve a place in your home? Is it helpful? Is artwork, or other decoration, beautiful?

At the end of your downsizing, go through the sale/donate box. Items that you feel are worth the effort to consign, list on ebay or Craig’s List should have a “due by” date so that they are not hanging around too long collecting more dust. Once the due date arrives, it can be donated. It is a win/win to donate items to those in need and benefit from the tax donation receipt.

Do not take your clutter into the next season. Downsizing will cleanse your soul and your home. At the same time, it might even add to your wallet.

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